Claw Tubbers Starting with A
A-ko (Revolutionary Girl Utena) ♀
In episode 34, A-ko takes a bubble bath in a clawfoot tub with B-ko and C-ko and also has the shower running while in it.
Ageha (Kyoukai no Rinne) ♀
Status: Clawfoot Queen

In episode 14, she takes a bath in a pink slipper tub filled with green bathwater.
In episode 15, she takes a bubble bath in the same slipper tub from the previous episode but for unknown reasons the tub is now brown with a white inside.
Both of her tub scenes are exclusive to the anime and not in the original manga.
Agnese Sanctis (A Certain Magical Index) ♀
She is shown getting into a bath in a pink clawfoot tub with rose petals while wearing a purple towel in official artwork for A Certain Magical and Scientific Puzzdex.
Ai Aino (Aria) ♀
Status: Oblivious Clawfoot Tub Owner
Ai has never been shown bathing or had any implied bathing scenes but at the end of the series and during the Aria the Avvenire OVAs, she becomes a resident of the Aria Company house which has a clawfoot bathtub. As long as the tub hasn't been replaced since the time of Aria the Natural, it is safe to say that it is implied Ai canonically takes her baths in the clawfoot tub Akari Mizunashi & Aria Pokoteng used back in Aria the Natural episode 12.
She has no known opinion on her house's tub.
She is the only member of Aria Company to have never experienced residency in the Aria Company house prior to it having a clawfoot.
Aida Kiyoka (Sokuhi Shigan! Road to Bath) ♀
Status: Clawfoot Queen

Aida Kiyoka is a clean freak that ended up in an isekai where household baths aren't a common thing and desperately worked her way into high class by becoming a side consort so she can have her own private bathtub and take daily baths. She ends up with a clawfoot tub and due to it being one of the tubs she fantasized about in chapter 2, it implied that she does like clawfoot tubs though she might have been happy with any tub, she just happened to be given a clawfoot and accepted it.
She is from Japan so she uses it in the style of a Japanese ofuro.
In chapter 5, she officially gets her own clawfoot tub and happily bathes in it for the first time.
In chapter 9, she takes a bath in the same tub and in chapter 10, she bathes in her tub again but with the cat Director-san.
In two bonus cards released on the AlphaPolis website which later became the art on the back of the two manga volumes, she bathes in a different looking clawfoot tub with Director-san in both cards and theses are also the only colored images of her bathing and the only known bubble bath she took.
Aiden Keller (The Ring) ♂️
In The Ring Two, he is given a bath in a clawfoot tub by his mother Rachel Keller before transforming into Samara Morgan.
Airi (Alice or Alice: Siscon Niisan to Futago no Imouto) ♀
In bonus artwork in manga volume 2, she takes a bubble bath in what appears to be a tub that could be a clawfoot but since we don't see the bottom, this is could have the potential to not be one.
Akari Mizunashi (Aria) ♀
Status: Oblivious Clawfoot Tub Owner
In Aria the Natural episode 12, she takes a bath in the Aria Company house's clawfoot bathtub with Aria Pokoteng.
Previously in Aria the Natural episode 9, the bathroom had a flat bottom tub so it was either an animation goof and the animators forgot to add the clawfeet on the tub for that episode or the Aria Company's bathroom got a new bathtub sometime between episode 9 & 12.
Any scenes of the bathtub she uses are exclusive to the anime and not shown in the manga.
She is the only human character in the Aria series to have used the tub on screen as well as the only human in the franchise to even be seen using a clawfoot.
Aki Adagaki (Masamune-kun's Revenge) ♀
Status: Oblivious Clawfoot Tub Owner
In chapter 22, she takes a relatively shallow bath in her private bathroom's clawfoot tub. This scene was unfortunately cut out of the anime adaptation but would have been in episode 11.
In the Masamune-kun's Revenge Anthology Comic's sixth chapter, there is a scene of Aki at her mansion getting undressed for a bath implying that she took an off screen bath but we don't actually see the tub.
In Masamune-kun's Revenge After School chapter 5, it is revealed that Aki's maid Yoshino Koiwai has to bathe in a unit bathtub meaning that Aki may be the only resident of her mansion that bathes in a clawfoot and that the tub is exclusive to her private bath. Yoshino may still interact with it by cleaning it and drawing Aki's baths.
The bathroom that has her tub in it is completely empty and in front of a giant window the size of the wall.
Aku (Demon Lord, Retry!) ♀
In episode 3, she takes a bath in a black clawfoot tub with Luna Elegant.